Hi..it was quite sometime i'm not be able to update this blog. Last 2 weeks, my laptop was damaged due to flood and most of the important data + EG pictures were lost. I'm lucky i have done backup file for those pictures and managed to get it back. That's the precious thing for me in order to complete the full storey of this conversion project. Emm..ok..lets continue my EG8 to EG9 conversion journey. After getting my front bumper installed & painted, i start to hunt for the EG9 rear wiper windscreen set. It was quite hard for me to find one during that time. Unlike today, you can find it at "mudah.my" or "Zerotohundred.com" - i need to round all the halfcut shop at Muar & Klang and finally i found it in Muar. It was tagged with RM600 - without the speaker board and rear wiper switch set but the rest were complete. Well, since it was very hard to find this thing, i just proceed to buy it.

Installing it was another problem for me. I need to find the rear windscreen rubber set on my own cause the workshop where i sent my car don't want to find it for me. The brand new rubber cost me another RM150, and the installation fee was another RM100. So the total cost was Around RM850 complete with installation - but i'm not really satisfied cause the wiper was not functioning. The workshop "tauke" claimed that my wiper motor already damaged eventhough i argue that i already tested it at halfcut shop where everything was fine.
Not satisfied with the service, i sent my car to one of workshop in Kemaman, Terengganu. After the wireman fully inspect my car, he found that the wire/socket was not connected. Hmmm...what to say..after that..my rear wiper functioning excellantly. Thanks God :)
My car after the installation of very hard to find EG9 Rear Wiper Windscreen Set. Well..if you really an EG9 enthusiast, based on the pictures above, you can easily spot what are the things that i need to replace in order to get complete EG9 exterior look. This installation was done somewhere in end of 2006.